About the Blog

LIGHT TALK , A day in the life of light

In 2009 I decided to undertake to blog for 365 days, every day of the year, about y experiences as a professional lighting designer through my practice. To reflect the educational  but light hearted nature of the blog I named it “Light Talk“. By the end of 2010 I completed the task without missing a beat, whether snowed in in Northern China or travelling continents to the other side of the world. The first 365 days of blogging have resulted in a very rich pool of thoughts, experiences and events in relation to the lighting design profession that has been read and commented on by many in the industry. The blogs are currently being compiled in a book that should see the light of day by the end of 2011.

After a well deserved break and encouraged by the feedback received from friends and colleagues in the business  I have decided to continue with Light Talk “Season 2”. Like in season 1 I am sharing my thoughts and experiences in the lighting design world with friends and colleagues on the net, this season with a new feature, “Light Watch“, in which I high light places of interest, new developments in the lighting industry or special lighting related events. But I am taking a more relaxed appraoch this time, I still blog on a daily basis, but on work days only. There is life after work 🙂

Readers are encouraged to engage with the subjects and comment on the blog directly or communicate with me privately

Happy reading.

Martin Klaasen


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