Signed, sealed and delivered

Singapore, 25th September 2014

In projects nothing is perfect and more often than not, certainly in big size projects, there is a discrepancy between design specifications, quantities and that what is finally delivered to site for installation. Add to that construction issues on site, changed detailing and you can understand that at times we end up with light fittings that can either not be installed or are no longer suitable in its intended locations. As we are rapping up stage 1 of one of our projects we have been asked to assist the client to determine exactly that. What was the design specification, what was ordered (and awarded), what was delivered to site and most of all what was or was not installed.

In a big project like this it can be quite a tedious exercise and not something that can be done from behind our desks. It involves checking of our final tender drawings and specs, the contractor’s as-built drawings and our own visual site inspection. We created a list for this occasion that lists down the light fitting, its location (as per our spec), whether it was installed and in case it was not the reason for its omission. The idea behind this is to provide our client a detailed overview of what was eventually supplied (rightfully) but not used. Since we have quite a number of variation orders which we certified as correct, we can then use the “over supply” as a bargaining chip in reducing the costs of the variation by asking the contractor to take back the over-supply.

You can argue that it is not the supplier’s fault that things got deleted after supply and legally the supplier can stand their ground, but goodwill and future relationships can go a long way and hence we discuss this directly with the lighting supplier to come to a satisfying arrangement that provides an acceptable and satisfying solution for all parties involved. Many of the products we specify could well be re-specified/ re-used in the second stage of the project, keeping everyone happy…

Light Watch 5-162: Things do not always appear what they are…

I will be away for a long weekend, so there will be no blog tomorrow 🙂







25. September 2014 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: light and art, light watch, lighting and culture, lighting and the economy, lighting design | Leave a comment

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