
Perth, 27th May 2014

Heritage ceilings can be quite intricate and finding a lighting solution that validates the ceiling features without really impeding its beauty is a challenge. I have been looking at lighting for heritage ceilings and really one of the main points is that you can forget about introducing any sort of down light. If at all it would be needed for some practical reason, only very limited locations that do not disturb the ceiling features or patterns could be envisaged with the blessing of the heritage consultant.

This leaves only ulterior solutions to be applied such as indirect lighting from soffits or from suspended structures that are either decorative in nature with a period style design finish or a modern day sleek structure that has functional elements that take care of the lighting. Whilst the first is mostly an ambient and diffuse lighting approach, the second can have integrated multiple systems for indirect and directional lighting effects. Combinations of the two are of course possible. In my project I am looking at a combined solution with flexibility as the final usage of the space has not been finalised and will depend on the tenant that will be awarded the space.

When it comes down to the design of a bespoke fitting like that close coordination between architect in charge, heritage consultant and ourselves is important. In this case we have come up with the design intent and will need further consultation with a specialist manufacturer with experience in creating customised solutions…

Light Watch 5-89: There are many different ceiling designs some with magnificent chandeliers, some with just very intricate designs…

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27. May 2014 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: light and art, Light and inspiration, light watch, lighting applications, lighting design | Leave a comment

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