Lighting design and the economy

Singapore, 4th October 2013

This week has come and gone….like it only had Monday and Friday…

I guess it is with some concern that we look at the developments in the US. While this part of the world still seem to be pretty rocking, the US government shutdown and the upcoming debt ceiling problems may potentially have some detrimental effects on the economy in general and our projects specifically. I have never understood how they can simply keep raising the debt ceiling…is the sky the limit? Isn’t there a time you have to say, hey let’s spend a bit less and start paying off our debts? Right now it seems to me they can barely keep up with paying of the interest and to make matters worse just increase the amount they can borrow to keep going…What kind of economy is that? Isn’t that going to explode in your face one day? We are taught not to spend before we earn. Imagine I would run my practice like that?!! Never mind the income, I just go to the bank and ask them to increase my “debt ceiling” so I can borrow more. I guess I don’t have a Fort Knox gold reserve as collateral but still…I am trying to make a point.

Over the years I have learned the hard way to balance my books as the profession of lighting designer and running a genuine and professional lighting design practice without kickbacks is not really a gold mine. Most of us are in it for the passion and the love of the profession, at least I am. Some though seem to be financially really successful, but in general we can say that creative designers do not make for the best financial entrepreneurs. 🙂  Then there is also the fact that our practices are considered small and not necessarily having the financial power to deal and negotiate with multi-national corporations offering you work!

When the economy moves we feel it straight away, so when money stops moving our projects are put on hold and we straight away feel the pinch…let’s hope this will all work out ok, at least for now. Have a great weekend!

Light Watch 4-170: In times of economic uncertainty people tend to go for gold…here are some “golden” illuminations…


04. October 2013 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: city beautification, light watch, lighting and the economy, lighting design practice | Leave a comment

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