When professionals meet…

Langkawi 23rd August 2013

Today was a really interesting day. As I await my flight back to Singapore I reflect on the meeting we had, aptly called a “workshop”. We are embarking as reported on yesterday on the refurbishment of one of Malaysia’s famous landmark resort hotels, now more than 20 years old and today for the first time the complete team of consultants was in attendance to carve out the direction and way forward. We all had a day or so on site to familiarise ourselves with the current state of affairs and all of us were ask to prepare a short presentation of our findings, our thoughts and the conceptual way forward. As this was a critical meeting all the company “bosses” (consultants ad client) were present and hence the quality level and professional expertise on display from all disciplines was very noticeable and raised the level of discussions straight to the relevant points. I find this extremely rewarding and meaningful, not in the least because we all learn from each other. When professionals meet we cut straight to the chase, there is no need to flower talk subjects, we provide a factual representation of the situation and present a solution oriented approach, share our thoughts and concerns and comment similarly to other consultant’s presentations…no need to sugar coat. Not that we need to, but it does sometimes happen when people want to make themselves look good. In our case everyone has proven track records and the aim was to find direction, highlight the potential pitfall and update everyone on the latest trends and concepts that would possibly apply to the project.

Later we have the task to transfer that to our own team and direct them in the right design direction and as we coordinate the outcomes with our fellow consultant teams it will gradually take shape into what is the become the desired end result for this project. We may see this first step as the conception that will ultimately lead to the birth of an end result we are all proud of and excited about!

Light Watch 4-140: As the weekend is upon us I leave you with some creative images…nothing to do with the jungle resort I am working on now, but everything with thinking out of the box and creative thinking within the latest technological possibilities. Have a great weekend. Below TARM’s latest project with lasers for a Volkswagen launch event in Germany.

23. August 2013 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: Light and inspiration, light watch, lighting and culture, lighting design, lighting standards | Leave a comment

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