
Travelling is an integral part of our job and I don’t think that many people realise how intensive and tiring it can be. I am on my journey back from Hainan to Singapore after quite an intens week of meetings and presentations. While it may seem relaxing to the outside world to travel to exotic places like Hainan or Bali (my next stop next week) enjoying luxury villa stays, the level of attention and commitment to projects like this can be quite energy zapping. Certainly if you add walking the many hectare site assessments under a burning sun into the equation!

It also comes with the inevitable social lunches and dinners, in China often followed with karaokes…been there, done that so luckily this time around it was just the meals…and the drinking…part of the teams bonding process. This is often where you get to see the other sides of your colleagues and get an insight in their personal lives. It is also the time and place where you potentially make friends for life. Being professional in your work, presentation and meeting interactions earns you the respect of your client and team members, bonding over meals and drinks after work creates the relationship that endures you to others beyond that first project that you met. I have many, many endurable relationships, like that and interestingly many of my projects today are the result of the relationships built, some now more than 20 years ago. People remember your professionalism, people remember what you did for them. Most of all many of the people you met when you started out may have been juniors at the time, but chances are that today they have risen to become in charge their company or department. What goes around, comes around; you reap what you sow. It is amazing how true that is in real life and travelling and meeting people just reinforces that very much! Enjoy your weekend…

Light Watch 4-73: As we travel we need to stay connected and focussed on what guides us safely through our lives. Everyone is different, we all have our own light houses on which we focus to keep us on the path of survival in a world that is becoming more and more complex to navigate…here are some…

26. April 2013 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: light and health, Light and inspiration, light watch, lighting and culture, lighting design practice | Leave a comment

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