That perfect concept story

Perth 17th November 2011

A bit of rain today for a change! For the initiated, rain in Perth is something most of the year we look out for! Some statisticians ever worked out that Perth on average has about 8-9 hours sunshine a day throughout the year! The rain is needed to keep the water reservoirs filled up so we have enough water for our daily consumption. Only very recently was the ban on water use released which included lifting the restriction in watering your garden, washing your car etc.

Workwise today I had an outside meeting in the morning, but have for the rest been focussed on getting our lighting concept presentation ready for a project that we are bidding for and that has to be submitted next week. This is one of those cases where we are part of a greater consortium and the concept has to be submitted as part of the bid. While we generally do not engage in speculative design, we decided to participate by exception for strategic and other business related reasons. For confidentiality reasons I cannot name the project nor its location.

I have blogged about conceptual design before and how the concept in the end should tell a story, have a meaning and a content that makes sense for the owners as well as the users or general public. In this case there was not much of a brief other than a confirmed architectural structure that needed to be lit. We have not been to site (too far away) and had to content ourselves with some minimal site pictures. However nowadays there is “Google (Earth)” which allows you to zoom in on any place on earth and research history and local facts and figures about the country, city or specific place.

Today I felt our concept story has come together…we had researched the local and national history and at the same time worked backwards from the potential lighting effects we had identified that we felt would really render the project in the most exciting way to meet in the middle. You know when they dig a tunnel from both end and meet halfway…something like that. I feel good because the story flows, it makes sense, the resulting lighting effects are pretty unique and if we can manage to realise this within budget I think we have a winner. Whether indeed it is that perfect concept story time will tell. 🙂

In Light Watch some pics I have snapped along the way going to my meetings this week showing that “countryside” Perth is right in there with all the latest technologies!

LED lighting at the local petrol pump…

LED lighting in Central Park…

Light Watch 204: Modern technology progress in and around Perth…

17. November 2011 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: city beautification, Light and inspiration, light watch, lighting design, lighting of the future | Leave a comment

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