Xmas ligt ups…ho-ho-ho

China, 15th December 2009

It is that time of the year again! Most cities in the world are out-doing themselves with Xmas light ups to bring everyone in the “mood”. While the spirit is of course Xmas celebration and the importance of family and friends, the underlying commercial tone cannot be denied. In the end it is still about dollar and cents. Shopping malls are pulling out all the stops to attract people, some having complete Xmas choirs singing “Jingle Bells” in the atrium. All of course next to the big and beautifully lit Xmas tree set up for the occasion. Cities are decorating the streets and their urban landmarks to attract visitors. But in general I like the tradition and it sorts of creates a time of reflection and introspection. Most of us are lucky to live the life we live!

The Xmas feel is best experienced at night when all the lights go on. I just visited an Asian website (  that has a collection of photo’s of Xmas light ups around the world. You will note by the way that more then one claim is made about being the tallest illuminated Xmas tree in the world. But I think we Dutch are the winners with the Lopik TV Tower Xmas tree.   🙂

Xmas light ups come in many shapes and forms and many Cities often have competitions for the best decorated (read illuminated) building. There is the commercial section where shops and malls participate and there is the residential section. It is specifically the last section that interests me always as this shows what ordinary people (not shopping malls with big budgets) can do with little money and some original thinking.  Back in Australia over Xmas I will go do the rounds to check them out again. Hope you enjoy the Xmas lights wherever you are in the world.

15. December 2009 by Martin Klaasen
Categories: lighting and culture | 1 comment

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